The very popular spring Weed Swap is back again for 2018. This is a perfect opportunity for Canberra residents to get out in their gardens, find invasive weeds and swap them for FREE bush friendly natives.

A range of native plants will be available for swapping, including small trees such as wattles, shrubs including Correa, groundcovers like paper daisies and native tussock grasses. All plants are supplied by local growers and are very hardy in the Canberra region.

DATE AND TIME Saturday 3 November and Sunday 4 November 2018, from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm


• Corkhills Green Waste Recycling Centre at Mugga Lane
• CSG Green Waste Recycling Centre on Parkwood Road Belconnen

Further information about invasive plants can be found on the ACT Government Environment’s invasive plants website.