About us
Open Gardens Canberra is a not-for-profit community association run by a committee of volunteers. Our mission is to open gardens in the Canberra region for viewing by members and the public; to encourage sustainable garden practices; and to support community projects and charities.
Open Gardens Canberra was formed to continue the tradition of private open gardens established by Open Gardens Australia. It was established in May 2015 as an incorporated not-for-profit organisation. Since then an exciting and diverse range of gardens have been opened to the public.
Members are welcome to attend Committee meetings; if you are interested in attending one please contact the Secretary.
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of Open Gardens Canberra Incorporated was held on 10 September 2024. All four office-bearers were returned for another year. Some committee members retired with the full thanks and appreciation of the committee and four new faces joined. Minutes from the AGM are available on request.
There is always an opportunity to contribute by becoming a volunteer at openings, or by taking on roles such as garden selection, publicity coordination, newsletter editing, website editing, social media, etc. which can be performed by non-committee members. Information on the roles of OGC committee members is available here.
The Rules of the association are available here.
Position | Office bearer | Email Address |
President | Len Dowling | |
Vice-President and Public Officer | Ian Davenport | |
Secretary | Martin Wright | |
Treasurer | Maureen Davenport |
Other Committee Members | |
Lynnette Audsley | Peter Badowski |
Melanie Benjamin | Lynne Bliss |
Pam Coronel | Michelle Haine |
Libby Hewson | Kym Holden |
Margaret Murphy | Suzanne Shine |
Helen Trevean |
For general enquiries, including booking, publicity and website enquiries, please contact us at [email protected].