open gardens canberra

Teachers’ Rest

By |2024-11-21T06:48:28+11:00August 12th, 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

The key to this cottage style garden which surrounds the house, is the large number and variety of roses on beds, walls and trellises.  The rose displays are complemented with a wide selection of perennial beds, shrubs and small trees such as maples, magnolias, ginghos and crepe myrtles, most of which have been planted in the [...]

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By |2024-11-15T09:43:34+11:00August 12th, 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

Visitors’ first experience is a front garden of mature banksias, wattles and other native shrubs, which nicely merge with the neighbouring garden and attract a number of native birds including gang gang and yellow tailed cockatoos and nesting wattle birds.  The stonework lined paths takes one on a journey around the house through a series of [...]

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By |2024-10-09T14:49:48+11:00August 12th, 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

Narrawong is a mix of formal and cottage garden styles. It has been designed to make the most of a small area, after the existing garden was almost completely removed when the house was renovated and extended twelve years ago. There are repeat plantings of camellias, osmanthas, magnolias, jasmine, rosemary, lavender and a pittostrum hedge. There is a variety of cottage plants including some unusual perennials. Azaleas and rhododendrons provide a splash of colour in Spring. Large mature tree provides a backdrop with Nimmitabel stone walls encircling garden beds and lawns.resist and indulged herself on whimsical impulse. The owner considers the front her “Arboreal Cathedral” which, more or less, came with the house.

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By |2024-08-12T10:36:29+10:00August 12th, 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

This cottage style garden started in March 2013 with the installation of a three-tiered fountain in front of the outdoor room, and the garden proceeded from there. There are three loosely divided rooms from the entry, a European style area which moves into a large lawn area, surrounded by crepe myrtles and two raised vegetable gardens. Around the side of the house, through an enclosed courtyard one enters the front garden facing the oval. All the plantings come from an eclectic taste of flowers and trees which the owner could not resist and indulged herself on whimsical impulse. The owner considers the front her “Arboreal Cathedral” which, more or less, came with the house.

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By |2024-08-27T13:40:50+10:00August 12th, 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

Over forty years the owners have created a spectacular natural landscaped native garden around the house and maintained the remainder of the two-hectare block as an open dry native eucalypt forest.  The plantings are predominantly local species, and many are threatened.  A nursery of propagated plants and a worm farm are of special interest.  Cleared meandering [...]

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My Place

By |2024-08-12T09:41:11+10:00August 12th, 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

In the front garden a varied display of well-maintained spring flowering shrubs frame a broad 180 degree view which includes Isaacs Ridge, Black Mountain and Mt Taylor.  Over time the owner has established and shaped the beds and shrubs which include a range of azaleas, a large flowering crab apple, a special rose and other roses [...]

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My Therapy

By |2024-08-12T10:00:01+10:00August 9th, 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

The visitor’s first experience is the street scape of large trees and the broad front bed of native shrubs and groundcovers on a dry creek line on this large corner block. Visitors may inspect an enclosed Japanese style formal garden at the front of the 1930s house which was renovated around 1970. Circling the house, visitors [...]

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By |2024-08-27T13:44:48+10:00August 9th, 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

Fairview is a professionally landscaped garden planned by its qualified horticulturalist and landscape architect owner to complement and highlight the 1927 heritage cottage. There are water features and a varied and intriguing range of garden rooms with layers and textures created by the plants, many featuring art installations and sculptures, including Japanese elements. The heritage cottage will also be opened to garden visitors, allowing views to each of the outside garden rooms.

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By |2024-10-05T14:53:12+10:00August 9th, 2024|Categories: |Tags: , |

Visitors will enjoy garden beds jam-packed with an enormous range of native and exotic shrubs happily blended together, many of them rare or unusual. The fan-shaped 1,200 sq metre hillside block slopes steeply south and offers expansive views of the Tuggeranong Valley and ranges beyond. The slope lends itself to terracing and interesting use of its varying levels, with meandering pathways, stairs, stone retaining walls and a bubbling pond. The owners have spent over 30 years modifying and extending the original 1980 garden, converting all lawns into plant beds along the way. Their aim is to have something interesting happening year round, although mid-spring is definitely one of the peak times, featuring Correas, Rhododendrons, Cliveas, Emu Bushes, Alyogynes, true Geraniums and an enormous Grass Tree - to name but a few. A feast for any plant lover!

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An Enchanted Garden

By |2024-04-18T12:09:52+10:00February 16th, 2024|Categories: |Tags: |

Adults and children alike will be enchanted by this delightful garden. The owner, a successful potter and mosaicker, as well as a skilled gardener, has created a garden with surprises and beauty at every turn. This no-lawn and waterwise garden, which has evolved over more than twenty years, combines both natives and exotics to pleasing effect. [...]

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