Spring 2017 newsletter
Read it now ! Spring 2017 Newsletter
Read it now ! Spring 2017 Newsletter
The first garden opened this weekend. Visit our Events page to see what's in store.
The AGM of Open Gardens Canberra Incorporated will be held at 11.00 am to 12.00 pm on Sunday 9 July 2017 at The Green Room, Canberra National Arboretum. Members are encouraged to attend this important meeting.
Open Gardens Canberra is pleased to be partnering with the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) to provide a $2,000 scholarship to assist a CIT horticultural student with tuition fees, books and equipment in their second and third year. Applications for first year horticultural students will open mid-2017 and the successful applicant will be announced in late [...]
We regret that the Piccolo Open Garden in Bungendore on 26 and 27 November 2016 has been cancelled due to factors beyond our control. We do hope to be able to re-schedule this outstanding garden at a future date. Watch this space for details of guided walks at the Turallo grasslands in Bungendore on 25 and [...]
Davenport garden Situated high on Mt Rogers with views to Lake Ginninderra, this large garden offers flowers in abundance. One of the main delights in spring is the laburnum walk with its cascades of yellow flowers. Photos of Davenport Garden: Shirley Pipitone About the garden: Several distinct garden areas display an interesting variety of shrubs and [...]
Two gardens are opening on the weekend of 15-16 October 2016: Gollion, 93 Westmead Lane, Sutton and Kathleen, in Queanbeyan at 21 Downey Street, Karabar Previously open in April this year, details on Kathleen will be published soon.
Newly elected President Trevor Fuller presents our 500th member Maureen Boyle with a giant cheque to refund her membership fee for 2016-17. Congratulations and welcome, Maureen! Photo: Angelina McNeilly
It was with a great sense of satisfaction that I presented to members the first President’s Report of Open Gardens Canberra Incorporated. I was very disappointed that I wasn't well enough to attend that meeting. My report covered the resounding success of Open Gardens Canberra, a little history of its development and a lot of thanking [...]
If you joined Open Gardens Canberra towards the end of our Autumn season this year, your membership will continue until 31 August 2017. For everyone else, your membership was due for renewal on 1 September this year. We want to check all our membership records so please download a membership renewal form and return it to [...]