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The Woodland Walk

10am to 4pm, 19th and 20th October 2019

This 1200m2 garden was redesigned 6 years ago and features some lovely stone retaining walls with a variety of plants including some natives. Features some lovely Forest Pansy trees and a Gleditsia tree in the front garden with Daphne, Hydrangeas, Magnolias, Crepe Myrtles and Maples in the rear. Bird baths and other garden ornaments complement the plantings.

Garden Notes are available.




Supported charity: Melba Tennis Club

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Opening hours:

All gardens are open from 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday.

Member entry:

Garden entry is free for members.

Visitor entry:

Garden entry is $10.00 for visitors 18 years and over.
BeaverLea and the adjacent garden Narrawong will open together on the same $10 ticket.


Join Open Gardens Canberra for only $30 and all gardens are free for the membership year (to end June).