10am to 4pm, 24th and 25th February 2024

An evolving mixed garden with water features and quirky pieces of art. A garden of discovery with many gravel paths revealing diverse plantings. An extensive parkland with the Brindabellas as a stunning backdrop.
This very extensive garden and parklands includes many hedges of flower carpet roses, callistemons, conifers and photinias as well as a large dry creek bed with natives. There are three dams, each of different designs and plantings; one flows over to a wetland, another has a terraced garden. There are several memory gardens, including one with a labyrinth. The garden has many lovely water features as well as pieces of art; many of these will delight children. The “Grand Canyon” is a large gully erosion, a long term rehabilitation project.
Supported charity: BigHart
Terroux Garden Notes 2024 are available.
Turn onto Wallaroo Rd. Drive 7.5km, turn (R) onto Oakey Creek Rd. After 1.5km turn (R) onto Rochford Rd. Turn (R) at Hygge House sign. Turn (L) at Hygge House. OGC signs at each turn.
Don’t use GPS as it doesn’t work.
Other activities
Sculpture, artisans, pottery
Children’s activity
Escorted garden tours 11am and 2pm both days, weather permitting.
Sunset soirée Saturday 24th 5pm till 7pm with music by local duo Stage 3. Bookings essential, tickets $35 per person including refreshments. www.trybooking.com/CNUFE. This is NOT an Open Gardens Canberra event.
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Opening hours: | All gardens are open from 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday. |
Member entry: | Garden entry is free for members. |
Visitor entry: | Garden entry is $10.00 for visitors 18 years and over. |
Memberships: | |