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10am to 4pm, 25th and 26th November 2017

This mid-sized semi-formal garden features exotic trees, shrubs and perennials. Hedging and mass plantings create different spaces to relax and observe the bird life. The private backyard provides a tranquil environment for entertaining, a network of paths and a small lawn for adventure and play, and an integrated productive garden featuring chickens, a greenhouse and a variety of fruit and vegetables.

Download the Persephone Garden Notes

No pets please.




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Opening hours:

All gardens are open from 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday.

Member entry:

Garden entry is free for members.

Visitor entry:

Garden entry is $10.00 for visitors 18 years and over.
BeaverLea and the adjacent garden Narrawong will open together on the same $10 ticket.


Join Open Gardens Canberra for only $30 and all gardens are free for the membership year (to end June).