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The Garden Cottage

10am to 4pm, 12th and 13th October 2019

This pretty and romantic garden features seven open areas, each containing a different sort of ornament, seating or gazebo. These areas are connected by paved paths, lined with English and Japanese box, which offer no-step access to the whole block. The garden has grown out of the owners’ love of history, and is filled with many useful, often rare, plants, so that every corner has interest. Every garden bed is also filled with ground covers, bulbs and perennials offering interest throughout the year and gentle fireworks in spring. The garden is a source of supplies for craft, dying, fibre art, and cooking and is an inspiration for the owners’ historical costume, dance and music hobby.  Dancers and musicians from the Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy will be performing at 11.00am, 12.15pm and 1.30pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Proceeds from the opening will be used to create hats and costumes for the Earthly Delights Historic Dancers.

Garden cottage notes



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Opening hours:

All gardens are open from 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday.

Member entry:

Garden entry is free for members.

Visitor entry:

Garden entry is $10.00 for visitors 18 years and over.
Special pricing may apply to some openings.


Join Open Gardens Canberra for only $30 and all gardens are free for the membership year (to end June).