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Cancelled due to ill health

Finn’s End

10am to 4pm, 15th and 16th April 2023

Update 12th April: This Event has been cancelled due to ill health.

This traditional garden features large trees, massed groundcover and prominent hedges framing distinct outside activity areas in summer shade.   Well paved paths guide the visitor around this ‘Tocumwal’ dwelling.  This is one of the 200 American Army Air Corps homes constructed in 1942, which were moved from Tocumwal in the Riverina to Canberra in the late 1940s.  Most ended up in the O’Connor cluster of 8 streets. #Tocumwal Precinct O’Connor.

Rachel and Gabriel have rented this property for a short while and, with the agreement of the owners, are progressively restoring the gardens to complement the dwelling, its surrounds and streetscape.

The Finn Street Park Gardens and Nature Playgrounds nearby linking the Precinct and the O’Connor Cooperative School provide a good picnic venue.

Garden notes will be available.

Charity: Finn Street Park Gardens.


  • Eventbrite bookings are desirable for all non-members except children.
  • Members of Open Gardens Canberra are not required to book.
  • You can renew your membership or join Open Gardens Canberra on Join-It.




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Opening hours:

All gardens are open from 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday.

Member entry:

Garden entry is free for members.

Visitor entry:

Garden entry is $10.00 for visitors 18 years and over.
BeaverLea and the adjacent garden Narrawong will open together on the same $10 ticket.


Join Open Gardens Canberra for only $30 and all gardens are free for the membership year (to end June).