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Charnwood Community Garden – Charnwood

8am to 5pm, 4th and 5th March 2017

The Charnwood Community Garden was established by the Canberra Organic Growers Society (COGS) in the late 1980s and consists of 45 individual plots which vary in size averaging 35 square metres. These are planted with a variety of fruit and vegetables, flowers and fruit trees. The garden showcases many different methods of growing produce and Community gardeners will be available to discuss the garden and aspects of being a member of a community garden. Please see www.cogs.asn.au for more information.

Address: adjacent to Sports Way, off Lhotsky Street, Charnwood

For an explanation of the icons we use, click here

Opening hours:

All gardens are open from 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday.

Member entry:

Garden entry is free for members.

Visitor entry:

Garden entry is $10.00 for visitors 18 years and over.
BeaverLea and the adjacent garden Narrawong will open together on the same $10 ticket.


Join Open Gardens Canberra for only $30 and all gardens are free for the membership year (to end June).